Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs from Prospective Members:

  • Why DCG?

    There are two main aspects to being a consultant at DCG. First, DCG consultants are able to develop qualitative and quantitative skills in business problem-solving. Although projects differ from term to term, in the past, consultants have worked on developing recommendations for a business problem, drawing conclusions from large datasets, and surveying various populations to help clients achieve their goals.

    Secondly, DCG is a great place for students looking for professional development. Our consultants have access to a wide range of resources, including exclusive recruiting events with top companies, early access to job applications, a supportive alumni database, case workshops, and much more.

  • What is the application process like?

    DCG recruits new members through a competitive application process every fall for freshmen and sophomores. All majors and backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to apply. In terms of class size, we accept around 15-20 consultants per class, which typically results in an ~8-10% acceptance rate.

    For more details on the recruitment cycle this fall, please visit our Recruitment Page. If you have any additional questions about the process, feel free to contact us through our email:

  • What type of person is DCG looking for?

    Our team consists of people from all sorts of backgrounds and perspectives. However, here are four key qualities that really define our consultants:

    1) Strong problem-solving and analytical skills

    2) Effective communication in leadership and teamwork

    3) Initiative and goal-driven

    4) Open-minded and creative

FAQs from Potential Clients:

  • How can I work with DCG?

    If you are a potential client who would like to work on a project with DCG, feel free to contact us here or at

  • What companies has DCG worked with in the past?

    DCG has assisted companies ranging from local businesses in the Upper Valley to multi-million startups. You can see examples of specific clients we have worked with as well as a few client testimonials here.

  • How much does working with DCG cost?

    DCG is a pro-bono organization, and we have not taken payment from prior clients for our services. Our services provide consulting education to DCG students.

FAQs from Alumni:

  • How can I stay involved with DCG?

    We love having DCG alumni as guest speakers or as resources to club members. Please fill out this form or contact us at if you would like to stay involved!